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Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number…

13 Sep

I’ve had to learn that this age thing…is aaallll in the mind.

I have friends who you would swear are 10 years younger than their age, and friends who you would swear are 10 years older than their age. Who’s fooling who? Age in years is pretty insignificant, in the end, content and personality is king.


Finding this quote by Yoko Ono had me going…hmmmmm.

On the part that humans created the concept of time though, I doubt that’s correct. God created time. How we operate within time however, is entirely up to us.

Something to ponder on. Share your thoughts…

We Are All Creative…Only We Are Held Captive

19 Jun

In the middle of the busyness of my mind and trying to stabilise my soul in this season we find ourselves in; essentially, in the midst of so many upheavals, it helps to find words like these…


“I feel strongly that there is not enough creativity in the world. People are told at very early ages that they can’t paint or draw and then they spend the rest of their lives saying they “aren’t creative.” But I believe that everyone is creative. Whether we express themselves [sic] in paint or pencil, soil or spices, we, as human beings, are creating. Constantly.”

I discovered recently that quite a few people around me, myself inclusive, have been held captive in our minds by fear and essentially lies. The things we were told many years ago that have taken deep root, that the enemy uses every single day in a variety of ways to box us in a corner. It has become a battle to be fought in the  mind, I find that the things that stop us from being all that God has created us to be is not a lack of ability. It is the voices constantly speaking in our heads, telling us we can’t; voices that are stronger than we think. Infact, we think we only need to be more disciplined, try harder, plan better but the voices are speaking, louder.

Where we need to start from is to counter those voices, change those paradigms, tell ourselves that we can. God has given us EVERYTHING. It’s time my friends.

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.”  Eph 1:3 NLT

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph 2:10 NLT

To read the rest of the blogpost where the above excerpt came from, click HERE

My Quote of the Week

5 Oct

Growing up, the pastor of my parents church really did drive some lessons home by repitition. This quote was one of them…

He repeated the first paragraph of it so much that so many years after, I haven’t forgotten….

It rings true in my life today, more than it did for my teenage life then.